Custom-designed and innovative solutions
Biometric Identification, AI, Streaming, Online Education, Healthcare
Polaris IT Group Capital Group records in Q2 nearly PLN 4.7 million in revenues and approx. PLN 32,000 net loss
polaris_stable_admin2024-08-22T09:35:07+00:00As reported by Polaris IT Group SA, an IT company listed...
Polaris IT Group Capital Group in Q1 2024 reports PLN 8 million in revenues and over PLN 100,000 in net profit
polaris_stable_admin2024-05-22T17:37:29+00:00As reported by Polaris IT Group SA, an IT company listed...
Polaris IT Group Capital Group in 2023 reports over PLN 35.5 million in revenue and PLN 1 million in net profit
polaris_stable_admin2024-03-22T09:26:51+00:00According to Polaris IT Group SA, an IT company listed on...
Polaris IT Group SA Capital Group makes PLN 9.4 million in revenues and PLN 635,000 in net profit in Q3 2023
polaris_stable_admin2023-11-16T13:48:25+00:00As reported by Polaris IT Group SA, an IT company listed...
Our goal is to serve all IT needs with innovative solutions, based on artificial intelligence and complex development in the field of hardware and software.
We are constantly expanding our activities with projects based on our own products and services.
The operational activities of Polaris IT Group SA are currently carried out by ISRV Plc – our hungarian subsidiary company, which provides to its customers the services and products described below. We are continuously developing our operations in Poland and in the longer term the strategic vision of Polaris IT Group SA Capital Group also includes expansion with additional companies, which with their specific knowledge or business opportunities will complement our existing expertise and strengthening our market position.

We provide unique hardware and software solutions with innovative ideas and designs in the fields of security, AI, image recognition and analysis, streaming and online education, and healthcare, in collaboration with several academic institutions and strategic partners.
Software and hardware development and trading are carried out by ISRV Plc – our hungarian subsidiary company, which is 100% owned by Polaris IT Group SA and is responsible for our operational tasks as a part of Polaris IT Group SA Capital Group. That is why references of Polaris IT Group SA are inseparably related also to references of ISRV Plc. For more information, visit ISRV website.
We draw on our consulting and project management capabilities to support our partners’ IT activities. By understanding business requirements, gaining insights into complex systems, being familiar with programming methodologies, market and supplier actors, we can help you to define your needs in cooperation with us as precisely as possible.
Priority areas for planning, development, and operation:
- Banking, insurance, and other financial systems
- Robust systems serving hundreds of thousands or millions of users and transactions (e.g. video streaming)
- Load-balanced systems, services requiring high SLA
- Logistics systems requiring continuous monitoring
Thanks to the group’s engineers, we can also serve specific needs in the electronics field, where the design and manufacture of customised motherboards, PCBs, customised electronic components, printed circuit boards is required. We design and manufacture prototypes, develop firmware, program industrial controllers, and design systems requiring high security. We also design, program and integrate custom products based on specific sensor systems (e.g. radar, lidar, SWIR, infra) and produce FPGA IPs of our own design.
Alongside our own research and development projects, we support our partners in this area. As an R&D service provider, we are also involved in the preparation, submission, and implementation of tender proposals.
We support in-house and commissioned research and development directions that, with the exception of basic research, can generate commercially viable and successfully exploitable ideas in applied and industrial research areas.
We can provide outstanding support with our artificial intelligence developments in the following areas:
- Transport and personal security
- Behaviour pattern and weapon recognition
- Security technology
- Industrial process safety efficiency analysis
- Agricultural surveys, plant identification
Our solutions and expertise can be deployed in almost any industry, and as consultants we can help you find the best AI service in any field.
Our core business involves the of self-designed creation of security hardware and software. We also sell security products, licenses and offer IT security services.
We offer solutions in several target areas of security technology:
- Industrial security
- Data encryption, encrypted data storage, data transmission
- Biometric identification, access control
- IT security services
Thanks to our extensive network of international partners, we are active in a wide range of trading activities, including hardware devices, security technology and software solutions, healthcare devices.
Through our business contacts in China and the Far East, we purchase, among other things, customised notebooks, tablets, servers, sensor devices, often directly from manufacturers. Thanks to our premium partner status, we also supply IT devices with customised, individually configured, factory pre-installed software, with priority manufacturer support.
Polaris IT Group SA is an IT company listed on the NewConnect alternative market run by the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Therefore, the area of investor relations is particularly important to us, and all information we provide to other participants of the capital market is always reliable and up-to-date.